Grateful and the {B} Family

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Sitting at my computer right now listening to the wind makes me nervous.  I can't even begin to think of what the people of Joplin thought when the storm hit on Sunday.  My husband has family in Joplin and had homes that were directly hit.  He is there right now helping with cleanup efforts and working to salvage what was left of his Aunt and Grandmother's homes.   This is what is left of our Gigi's home.

She is in the hospital right now recovering from a damaged hip.  I am grateful that nothing worse happened to them.  I am thinking of my blessings and am grateful for a comfortable home to protect me and my little ones while our own protector is away.  Many prayers and thoughts for the community of Joplin.

On a lighter note here are some recent photos from one of my latest sessions.

Baby {K}

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

As a photographer it's always funny to see families taking pictures.  The way they interact with one another and who in the family will give the parents a hard time.  Who will be the kid that looks everywhere but the camera, or runs around the location and doesn't want anything to do with taking pictures.  I usually just giggle to myself and watch to see what parents will do, how they will react to the situation and how they'll get that kid to cooperate.  This past weekend we were the family taking pictures with my some of my favorite photographers.... and I was not laughing.  And who was the one that was throwing rocks and looking at bugs and making cheese faces at the camera?  My oldest - almost 8.  I am praying that we at least got one good family picture.  I didn't just wait 6 months for these pictures or anything....

However, this little gem was an angel and that's what I see when I look at these photos.  You might remember seeing her here.  She was so easy going, even through outfit changes.  We had a fun time and got some beautiful memories of this little 9 month old.  Looking forward to working with her again, that's for sure.  Oh yeah, and those eyes?  Can't get enough!

Sweet Miss {S}

Friday, May 6, 2011

Playing catch-up on my blog posts tonight and remembered I didn't blog this session yet.  I met up with this cutie pie and her momma at the gardens downtown a few weeks ago.  It was a perfect night and the flowers were in full bloom.  I had fun getting to know silly {S} and seeing her cute personality.  Her momma is a dentist - my kids dentist and boy do they LOVE her!  They actually ask to go to the dentist.  What kid ASKS to go to the dentist?  Need a recommendation for a good one.... I've got you covered. 

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