Mine on Monday - Miss {G}

Monday, September 20, 2010

Yes, I know what you are thinking....could she possibly get any cuter?  She is such a little doll and I am proud to say she belongs to me.  She's three going on thirteen and has us all wrapped around her finger.   She loves to sing and dance, loves her brothers and is as sweet as can be.  She braved the bugs and hidden creepy things and came out with me for some golden sunshine shots right before the sun went down.  We got these beauties with minimal silliness on my part to get her to smile.  She's one crazy girl but we love her so!



  1. What a gorgeous little thing she is getting to be! Can't believe how grown up she looks! These look great Jen!

  2. what cute pictures and such a sweet dress...I want one in my size!


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