Sneek Peak of Little Miss {D}

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Can she get any cuter? I met up with Little Miss D on Saturday evening with her Mom and Dad for a fun little shoot. We braved the heat but got some fabulous shots! Miss D was a little shy at first but she warmed up to me real quick. As soon as I put my camera up to start shooting she gave me the sweetest smiles. From then on I knew she would do great. No jumping around, making silly faces on my part. This was a true model. We were best friends by the time we were finished...she even wanted to come with me to dinner. Thanks for a fun time.  Can't wait to show you the rest!


  1. This is a BEAUTIFUL picture! Great job!

  2. that picture is adorable....I might have to take my girls out to the hay fields...I really love the lighting!


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