
Monday, June 28, 2010

This is my lil' bro.  I say lil' but he's about at my 6 foot height already so we're looking eye to eye these days.  He's your typical happy go lucky fourteen year old, excited for High School, a theater kid, guitar playing fool and is loving summer.  We had a fun shoot last week and got some awesome shots of this blondie.  I'm so proud to call him my bro.

This one is my favorite!

Miss {D} and Family

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cute girl, cute family, fun location, perfect sunshine and the lovely Texas heat made this for a great shoot.  Maybe minus the heat but we still had fun.  Here are some more fun shots from the session.  Enjoy you guys - can't wait to work with you again soon!

Sneek Peak of Little Miss {D}

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Can she get any cuter? I met up with Little Miss D on Saturday evening with her Mom and Dad for a fun little shoot. We braved the heat but got some fabulous shots! Miss D was a little shy at first but she warmed up to me real quick. As soon as I put my camera up to start shooting she gave me the sweetest smiles. From then on I knew she would do great. No jumping around, making silly faces on my part. This was a true model. We were best friends by the time we were finished...she even wanted to come with me to dinner. Thanks for a fun time.  Can't wait to show you the rest!

Switching over

Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm a dot com now -- Switch your browsers on over to Jenna Marie! Blogger will reroute you to my new site. 

Big Boy

Saturday, June 12, 2010

This kid thinks he's big stuff.  My little baby boy turned one last month so I decided to take him out tonight and cruise for a good photog spot.  We found one and saw a fellow friend and photographer so I new it was a fun spot.  For being one tired kid he did pretty good but this was about the best that we got.  After almost falling off a wagon and scraping his tummy, we decided he was done.  Good thing Dad's big hands were there to catch him! Stay tuned for more.  I've got lots of good stuff up my sleeve....

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